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Are Probiotics Therapeutic?
Like the planet earth and perhaps many others, the organism stores huge populations of conscious life forms. Probiotics, classified as live microorganisms, provide health benefits when consumed. Scientific studies performed in several American and European universities have found that there are ten times more probiotic bacteria in our bodies than cells. Friendly bacteria make up approximately 70% of the immune system while one hundred trillion bacteria reside in the digestive system. The digestive tract contains about 500 different bacteria species. However, about twenty species make up about 75% of the entire population. A great number of them are attached to the intestinal walls and many others are transient and live for about two weeks.

Most probiotics live in the colon, although large amounts reside in the mouth and small intestines. Other populations of bacteria and yeast can also live within joints, in the vagina, under the armpits, between the toes, toenails, and many more areas.

Lately, information is being presented in the media about the importance of probiotics and general health. As expected, some are positive views while others negative. Based on experience as well as published information, probiotics are necessary organisms for a healthy digestive and immune system.

Probiotics live along and within the intestinal mucosal lining, providing a protective barrier to assist with the filtration process of toxins and other destructive molecules before reaching the intestinal wall. This mechanism helps maintain the brush barrier cell and keep the mucosal lining of the intestines from damage caused by foreign molecules coming from the intake of unhealthy foods. Damage to the brush cells of the intestinal lining is one of the main causes for several bowel disorders.

The two most well-known groups of probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Lactobacilli are primarily found in the small intestine while bifidobacteria are generally in the colon. Each group has a subgroup or strain with a distinctive activity or effect.

Natura-Genics® has formulated and manufactured Probiotic+™ containing 40 billion active microorganisms (nine strains and two prebiotics) per two capsules to enhance and balance the intestinal microflora. This product promotes digestive function by relieving intestinal gas, bloating, and constipation. Also supports a healthy immune function. Furthermore, Probiotics+™ provides prebiotic support with organic inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides) for probiotic growth and colonization in the intestinal tract.

Renzo J. Bustamante-Wendorff, B.S., M.S.
Research & Development
Source: Source: Adams, Casey, P.h.D. Probiotics: Protection Against Infection. Visit: