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Hepa Cleanser
60/100 Capsules • 655 mg
The liver is an extremely busy and hardworking organ, as evidenced by its huge blood flow; blood passes through the liver at a rate of around 3 pints (approximately 2 cups) per minute.

The liver is behind the ribs on the right side of the upper abdomen. It has two anatomical parts called lobes. The right lobe is approximately six times larger than the left. The right and left lobes of the liver are separated by fibrous tissue known as the falciform ligament.

The liver is not only unique by virtue of its large size, but also by its dual blood supply. It is the only organ to have two separate sources of blood supply; the hepatic artery bringing freshly oxygenated blood from the heart and the portal vein bringing blood from the stomach and intestines loaded with nutrients from food.

The liver is very versatile and performs the following metabolic and regulatory functions:

Regulates carbohydrate metabolism - it turns glucose (sugar) into glycogen for storage in the liver. Liver glycogen can release glucose into the blood to maintain normal blood sugar levels if needed. If the body is low in carbo-
hydrates the liver can manufacture more carbohydrates from fat or proteins.

Has storage functions - stores glycogen, vitamin A and D, iron, copper, and many of the B complex vitamins.

Regulates protein metabolism - the liver manufactures many body proteins such as albumin and blood-clotting factors such as prothrombin and fibrinogen that cause the blood to clot when needed. It transports substances such as fats, iron, hormones, and drugs around the blood stream. One particular liver protein called High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is checked frequently in blood tests, as a high reading is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease. This is because HDL transports cholesterol out of the blood vessel’s walls back to the liver for excretion.

Detoxifies many toxic substances and chemicals - the liver detoxifies by adding a substance to a toxin for its elimination or deactivation. It metabolizes or bio-transforms illegal drugs, medications, steroid hormones, and waste products of the body such as toxic ammonia. Ammonia is formed in the organism from the breakdown of protein and a healthy liver is able to break it down into urea, which is then excreted via the kidneys. The most important enzyme system in the liver’s detoxication process is the cytochrome P-450-dependent microsomal oxidase system.

Hepa Cleanser™ is a combination of choline, inositol, taurine, and liver extract, important ingredients for optimum liver function. This supplement also contains eleven herbs, among them milk thistle extract.

Therapeutic use of milk thistle can be traced back more than 2,000 years.
The dried fruit of milk thistle contains a flavonoid complex known as silymarin. This constituent is responsible for the medical benefits of the plant. Silymarin is made up of three parts: silibinin, silidianin, and silicristin. Silibinin is the most active part and largely responsible for the benefits attributed to silymarin. This plant may protect liver cells by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping remove these toxins from the cells. Silymarin is considered a powerful antioxidant.

Choline is an essential nutrient and the liver is a central organ responsible for choline metabolism. Hepatosteatosis (fatty liver) and liver cell death occur when people are deprived of choline. Choline deficiency has been associated with liver dysfunction and susceptibility is dependent of factors such as genetics, gender, and gut microbiome. Research has identified an important role for choline and metabolic syndrome.

Another ingredient part of this formula is inositol. It is a nutrient part of the B-complex group and required for proper formation of cell membranes. It affects nerve transmission and helps in transporting fats within the organism.
Clear deficiency of inositol is rare although people with diabetes have increased excretion and many could benefit from inositol supplementation.

A third and important ingredient is taurine. It is an amino acid and a component of bile acids, which are used to help absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Increased evidence suggests that intake of taurine may help support non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease occurs when an excess of fat accumulates in the liver, and it can be a result of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Over time, this will cause loss of liver function leading to cirrhosis. Others studies have shown taurine defends liver cells against free radicals and toxins helping to promote the reduction of the severity of oxidative stress-induced liver injury.

Desiccated liver concentrate has been added to this supplement. It is high in many vitamins especially B-12, iron, and folic acid. Vitamin B-12 has many functions keeping nerves and blood cells healthy and enhancing DNA production. It is believed that quality liver extract from organically grazed cattle may improve chronic liver conditions, protect from liver damage, and lead to the support of liver tissue regeneration.

Black radish in general is good for overall liver function. Besides regulating the production of bilirubin and bile, it can detoxify the liver. Black radish can also help release enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase and esterase, important enzymes that may keep the liver on good conditions.

Since the days of Ancient Greece and Rome, red beets have been consumed due to its nutritional value and recent studies have confirmed this. Beetroot has numerous vitamins and minerals contributing to overall good health. Beetroot contains phytonutrient pigments called betalains. The two types of betalain compounds, betalin and vulgaxanthin, are high in antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory activity. These compounds also help with detoxification of the liver.

Dandelion is commonly used as food. The leaves and roots have been used for hundreds of years to improve conditions of the liver, gallbladder, kidney, and joint problems. In some cultures, dandelion is considered a blood purifier. The primary constituents for dandelion’s action on the digestive system and liver are the bitter principles.

Before European colonists arrived to America, the indigenous people used Oregon grape for many health complaints. Alkaloids, including berberine, berbamine, canadine, and hydrastine, may account for the activity of this herb. The bitter-tasting compounds as well as the alkaloids in Oregon grape root are thought to stimulate digestive function.

Folk medicine used blessed thistle for digestive problems including gas, constipation, and upset stomachs. This herb is a relative of milk thistle and used for liver and gallbladder health.

The root of gentian is used for therapeutic purposes. It has been used in Europe as a digestive aid. Gentian contains bitter substances such as the glycosides gentiopicrin and amarogentin. Besides stimulating secretion of saliva in the mouth and hydrochloric acid in the stomach, gentiopicrin may promote the protection of the liver.

Wild yam has several applications but one of them is to aid digestion. It is helpful in alleviating flatulence and generally improving liver and gallbladder function.

Fringe tree was frequently used by North American Indians and European settlers alike for disorders of the eyes, mouth ulcers, and spongy gums.
In modern herbalism it is considered to be one of the most reliable herbs for liver and gallbladder disorders.

In herbalism, agrimony has long been used and is traditionally considered to be an excellent blood purifier. It has a reputation of being very helpful with cases of liver disorders.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule  
Servings per Container: 60/100  
Amount per 1 Capsule %DV*
Choline (Bitartrate) 75 mg *
Inositol 37.5 mg *
Taurine 25 mg *
Proprietary blend 517.5 mg  
Milk Thistle Extract - 80% Silymarin (Silybum marianum) *
Black Radish (Raphanus sativus L) *
Beet Leaves (Beta vulgaris) *
Red Beet (Beta vulgaris) *
Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale) *
Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquafolium) *
Blessed Thistle Herb (Cnicus benedictus) *
Gentian Root (Gentiana spp.) *
Wild Yam Root (Dioscorea villosa) *
Fringe Tree Bark (Chionanthus virginicus) *
*Daily Value not established

Other Ingredients: Gelatin.

Recommendations: As a dietary supplement, take one (1)
capsule daily.

Caution: Do not use this product if pregnant or nursing. Do not use
this supplement if the band around the cap is broken or missing.
If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. Keep this product out of reach
of children.

Storage: Keep tightly closed in a dry place and do not expose
to excessive heat.

The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
